Monday 29 July 2013


“How do I convince my husband/wife/kids/parents/sisters/niece to Eat By Design?”

Before I answer this, I invite you to answer these questions.

First, do they want to Eat By Design?
And second, why is it important to you that they Eat By Design?

I struggled with this for a really long time. I was raised in a house where convenience and price were the two determining factors as to what I ate for dinner, not principles. If a food was easy to make and on sale, I ate it – regardless as to whether that food moved me towards or away from health. I recognize that those decisions were made with the best available information my parents had. You don’t know what you don’t know.

I haven’t always eaten By Design. In fact, up until two years ago I was vegan. And before that I advocated for whole wheat and low fat. So, I get it – my family was more than confused when I began encouraging them to Eat By Design. After a year of resistance I stopped myself and asked the two questions I prompted you with earlier.

Do they want to Eat By Design? Yes. Every member of my family had expressed authentic interest in learning more about it – but because of whatever limiting belief or excuse, they hadn’t implemented it in their life…yet.

Why is it important to me that they Eat By Design? It’s important to me because they are important to me. I love my family and want them to have a healthy, happy and purposeful life. I believe that Eating By Design, in addition to meeting your other requirements, is the best strategy to achieve this. But I recognize that I can’t care more about their health than they do.

Does my family Eat By Design now? Yes – some of them. The rest – they’re getting there. And they will get there. Or they won’t. Whatever they choose is their decision.

It has been a process – a challenging one for both parties. I am proud that they understand what the body requires to be healthy and have taken action. They have taken responsibility for their own lives.

So here’s what you need to do.

  1. If you are trying to convince someone you care about Eat By Design, stop. “But if I know Eating By Design is good for everyone and good forever, why shouldn’t I force someone to do it? I know it’s good for them.” Because force removes choice from the equation. When you remove your ability to think, you lose the right to your own life. You want the people you care about to make good decisions for themselves, not just because you said they should. 

  1. Stick to your principles. Educate others why you have chosen to Eat By Design and why you think they should do the same, but accept that the choice is theirs.

  1. Lead by example. Individuals automatically gravitate towards people that they see as leaders.

  1. Join us at our next Eat By Design seminar – and bring a guest. You may find it hard to explain why you do what you do, so let us do the work. Click for more details about attending a seminar in London or Ottawa.

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