Wednesday 28 August 2013

Do Not Stand In Your Own Way

Have you ever convinced yourself that if your weight were to fluctuate, it would only be temporary? 

Have you ever self-sabotaged your success because you were scared that those amazing changes would not last forever? 

Have you ever feared that if your weight changed you would change as a person, driving your family and friends to think differently about you? 

Have you ever convinced yourself that there is no point in losing weight because you are petrified to gain it all back again?

Self-sabotage happens when instead of conquering an uncomfortable situation you let it control you. 

When we feel out of control, we react by creating a situation we can control – one that reaffirms that we are correct. Instead of remaining committed to reaching our original goals, we self-destruct screaming, “See, I told you I would gain those ten pounds back again!”

This causes you to feel anxious and defeated, fueling your inability to experience high self-esteem. 

It is unfortunate how many people cannot take a compliment because they are scared of having a big ego, think they do not deserve a compliment, or worse, they are scared of what the person may have thought of them before. 

If someone says “Have you lost weight? You look awesome!” and you hear “Have you lost weight? Wow, you must have been really fat before!” that is a major problem.

Instead of forfeiting your success to the extinction burst, create action steps that eliminate this and that move you towards health. 

Do what works! 

These action steps are clearly outlined in Life By Design – your guide to living an extraordinary life. 

Your body has basic requirements for life to be expressed fully. You are designed to eat, move, think and be powered in a way that is congruent with your genetic design. If something is defined as healthy it moves you towards health, not away, and is good for everyone and good forever. 

I invite you to ask yourself why you are scared of succeeding. 

If you have gained health, why are you fearful of gaining weight? Ask yourself at what point in your life were you the healthiest? Was it when you had healthy skin, hair and nails, impeccable digestion and regular bowel movements, energy and focus throughout the day, restorative sleep, and a strong body that was capable of quickly recovering from injuries, illnesses and stress? Or, was it when you had none of this, but were skinny.

Please understand that your journey will have its ups and downs – weight losses and gains. But when you start meeting all of your requirements and start living By Design, you have automatically started moving towards health, not away from it.

And please understand that the number on the scale does not determine your self-worth. If you lose those extra ten pounds, will that make you a more patient mother, a more loving wife, a more productive employee, a more supportive friend, or a stronger athlete?

You cannot blank out on what your body requires to be healthy. What you can do is accept that there is clear evidence to support the Life By Design recommendations, and action it in your life. Reality is the final arbiter. 

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